Places I want to travel to!:)

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Tuesday, May 25, 2010


I commented on Audrey's beach/picture post,
Mia's 7th grade thing,
Ashley's 7th grade year,
Hannah Baker's 7th Grade year,
Kristen's Wow thingy

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

7th grade

7th Grade!

Middle school means, well, your stuck in the middle. Sometimes it can be confusing, because your not all care-free (like elementary school) but, your not as independent (like high school). Your Just gliding along, trying to survive and find out who you are. Middle school is when you decide who you are. I am in 7th grade. So, truely, I am stuck in the middle of middle school. There are highs and lows to any school year. I am here to share with you all the highs and lows of my middle of middle school year! I have had a great year! I am sad to see it end (sorta). But, the school year ending means that summer is Just around the corner! And, as you already know, I love summer! One of the biggest and best things of middle school are friends! I love all of my friends! Friends are amazing! All my friends aren't Just my friends, they are like my brothers and sisters! But one bad thing that tags along with having friends is all the drama! Drama is no fun! But, since we are all human, its impossible to avoid! Most of the middle school drama fights are stupid and pointless (in my opinion). Middle school is a great place to have fun with friends. Sports are Just another wonderful thing about middle school! This year, I played Volleyball, Basketball, and Softball. These are by far my 3 favorite sports. Sports are a great way to spend extra time with all your friends! But in order to play sports, you must have good grades. Grades are definitely one of the lows of my 7th grade year! In my opinion, grades are just extra stress put on students. My grades this year... weren't the best. Grades are just an unneeded stress put on us students. Another high of my 7th grade year is all the extra activities. Like sports games, Cici's nights, the play, the dinner theater, and the Gala! Events like these are so much fun because they support your school and you can be with all your school friends. I have had so many good things about my school year and so very few things bad about my year. But, since I have to choose, (thanks Mrs. Anzures for making me remember all the bad things as well:) my 3rd low would have to be having to wear a dumb uniform! I think that the school is preventing us from expressing ourselves because God made us all different with a different personality, and as a christian school we should be encouraged to express who we really are. So, most of my 7th grade year was amazing! Except for those three minor lows. But, hey! Life isn't perfect!

The best thing about my 7th grade year was all of my amazing friends!!! I love all my friends! They are like my family! I have many friends, and I know they will always have my back no matter what. I can always trust them. When I am going through a hard time or dealing with some stuff I can always talk to them and I know they will have my back. They are like my family. I am always with them, out of school and in school. When my friends and I are together we always have the best time! Most of the time, we act like idiots! But thats ok, because we always have fun! My friends and I always find something fun to do. If we are bored at my house or their house, we will BLAST the music and dance like crazy around the house, or what me and my friend Kelsi did is we walked down the street blasting our ipods and dancing like a maniac! My friends are the best! We never are bored! We can always to find something fun to do. Some of the things we like to do are going to the river, dancing, singing (I'm not very good), going to the mall and meeting random people, playing sports, going shopping, going to church, or just hanging out. During my 7th grade year, I have made so many new friends! I have so many friends and I love them all. My best friend's name is Kelsi! We always have fun together! I know I said that drama is unavoidable, but me and Kelsi have NEVER gotten in a fight! I have so many friends at this school and out of school, so I always have a friend to hang out with. I don't know what I would do with out my friends. They have helped me through a lot of tough times, they are always there to give me advice or if I ever need to talk I know I can count on my friends. Friends are what makes the world go round!! Think about it, where would we be with out our friends? It would be miserable! We would be bored 24/7, we couldn't talk to anyone about anything, and we wouldn't be happy! My friends always know how to cheer me up! I am at my happiest when I'm having fun with my friends, I think the best time I have had with my friends is when we are just together!! I can't really remember a specific time that was the most fun! Their are too many!!

My 7th grade year has been amazing!!! So I hate to have to think about the negative things about it, but since I have to, one of the lows of 7th grade is all the drama!!! Drama is mostly pointless and stupid. Nobody is perfect though, so drama can't be avoided. There will always be disagreements throughout your life, even in middle school. Most of middle school arguments are for no good reason but girls and gossiping causes it all. Gossiping and lying has been proven to ruin a friendship (I would know). All the drama is mostly caused by rediculous rumors. Rumors are spread by pathetic people who are insecure about themselves and need to spread rumors about other people to feel good about themselves (not to be mean, but its true). Since we are at a small school, rumors spread like a wild fire, and there are no stopping it! Plus, the rumors get al twisted and mixed up into this rediculous story! Rumors inform me things about myself that i never knew!! Its amazing how much a story can be changed while traveling through the halls of school. Like that child game telephone, that game proves that things get changed and twisted so easily! Rumors are just one of those things that we all hate, and all know their stupid, but they are still spread. I hate to fight with my friends, because I love my friends! Fighting is no fun, but just like any other school year, there was drama. I wish that we could just all get along and not fight about stupid things, but some people just don't get it! They get caught up in anger or revenge that they cause a ton of drama. Even though we fight, in the end we forgive each other and put all the little things behind us, because nothing can ruin our friendship.

This year I had a blast playing my 3 favorite sports! Volleyball was first this year! It was a ton of fun!! Even though we didn't win much it was still fun. I do wish we could have won more, but winning isn't everything! It was a great way to spend time with my friends outside of school. I have never played volleyball up until this year, I have learned alot and its now one of my favorite sports! I am so glad I got a chance to try something new this year because it turned out I loved it! I have had so many great mamories while playing volleyball. After volleyball season was over, basketball came!! Basketball was great! I have played basketball for a while. I love basketball, but not quiet as much as volleyball. Basketball was great! We won about 3 games? I think it was 3, we won more than we did in volleyball and it was a blast!!! Basketball was yet another chance to spend time with my amazing friends! Then, after the best season of basketball ever, came softball!!! Honestly, I never imagined myself playing softball. It is the first year for our school to have a softball team and I am proud to be apart of it!!! It turns out that softball is my favorite sport! I am so glad I decided to play!! I play 3rd base and I absolutely love it!!

Sports are just another great thing about middle school! But in order to play sports, you must have good grades. My grades this year weren't the best. In my opionion, grades are just extra stress put on students. Its just a way for the world to squeze us all in the same lil box, because maybe some people aren't the best at math but they are really good at writing and they want to be an author when they grow up. A perfectly practical career that doesn't involve math at all, and you can still make money off of it. God gives us all different gifts and we shouldn't be held back just because God gave us a gift in writing rather than math, well thats just my opionion on the matter! I think that grades and homework is all just and uneeded stress put on students! Plus, the homework our teachers give us is rediculuos! Grades and homework is one of the biggest lows of not just 7th grade, but school in general!

The 3rd high of my seventh grade year is all the extra activities! For example, the Chili olympics!! The Chili olympics was a blast! To make it even better, it was held on my birthday, October 22! The games and rides were amazing and to top it all off the food was delicious! I loved hanging out with my friends that night! Another thing we did this year that was fun was we went to all the highschool basketball games! Those were a blast (even though we never really watched them)! Pus, the Cici's night were fun! It gave me a chance to hang out with all my friends while eating pizza!! Another thing that was fun this year was the Gala! The Gala was held at the civic center this year and I got to play games and run around with my crazy friends all night!!!! Recently I was doing make-up for the school play (The Wizard Of Oz) and me and my friends were doing make up. It was so much fun!! When we werent doing make up, we were just talking and spending time with eachother. We also go to miss a day of school! I got to spend the night at one of my best friend's house! Her name is Kristin Hazel!! We had a blast!! This year has been so much fun!!

The 3rd low of my 7th grade year is the fact that we have to wear a uniform! I would constantly get in trouble for wearing the wrong shoes or my tank top showing or something stupid like that. I think that we shouldn't have to wear a uniform, because the uniform is just something that keeps us from expressing our selves, because lets say someone likes to wear a bright color like yellow instead of a dark color like navy blue. Everybody is different because God made us all different, and as a christian school I think we should be encouraged to express our selves and show off what God made us to be like. I was sick of getting in trouble day in and day out for simply expressing who I am.

Over all my 7th grade year was amazing!! Except those 3 small lows of 7th grade, all the drama, the stressful grades and homework, and the dreadful uniform! Those three lows are no comparison to my amazing friends, the sports I played, and all the extra activities!! My 7th grade year is deffinatly a year I will never forget!! I have so many memories tied into my 7th grade year!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

My Adventure

One day, I was sitting at home watching TV while babysitting my two brothers. The house was pretty kayotic with two twin boys running around. The house was already messy enough. Just then I saw our brand new puppy run out of the kitchen whinning. She is covered with ice cream! This can't be good. I hear dishes dropping and the boys screaming. I jump off of the couch, dart to the kitchen, peer around the corner and I see rootbeer spilled on the floor, ice cream an the walls, broken glass all over the floor. Thats the last time I make them a root beer float to try to keep them quiet... "What do you think you are doing?!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I was so angry I could feel my face getting as hot as lava, my two hands coming to a fist, I felt like I wanted to strangle them. "Well?!" I yelled again when they didnt respond.

"Sorry Kate..." They sang simultaneously. Then they looked up at me with those sad, but cute, little, brown eyes. Now how can I be mad at that? No! Katie, be strong, look at that mess. If you give in now YOU will have to clean that up. I thought to myself.

"Oh no you don't. Don't you dare think I am going to give in to you, you are going to clean this up! Not me!" I said, "If I were you, I would start with the icecream on the wall." Then I just walked off with my head held high, very proud of myself for not giving in. I went back to the living room and plopped myself on the couch. And I turned the TV on to my favorite TV show. Just then, right when i started to get comfortable, the door bell rang.

"We'll get it!!" the boys yelled from the kitchen while running to the door.

"Jake, Trey, don't open the door without me there!" I said while getting up from the couch. "Boys, back to the kitchen." I walked over to the door to see who it was. To my surprise, I didn't know who it was. A strange looking man starred right at me. He was tall, thin, and dressed completely in black. Black top hat, black suit, black shoes. His face was... odd. His mustache sure gave him a mysterious look. His nose was to big for his face, and his ears were to big for his nose.

He leaned forward and said, "Are you Kate?"

It depends," I said, "Who's asking?"

"The name's Hector." He said, "Are your parents home?"

"Well, Hector, I don't know who you are and something tells me I should close the door as fast as I can!" I said while closeing the door real fast. But he stopped it with his foot.

"No need to worry Katie, dear. I mean no harm I am here to give you the adventure of a life time! I am with the government." He said while flashing me a foney smile.

"How can I trust you?" I said. He showed me his badge, I guess I have to believe him, he has a badge. "Ok, I beleive you. But what do you want from me?"

"I need you to come with us."


"Please don't ask questions, we will explain on the way."

"On the way to where?"

"Mam," said the big man next to him, "Please forgive me for what I am about to do. Its for your own good." He said then snatched me up and gragged me to the black SUV parked in our drive way.
"Hey! Let me go!!" I screamed as loud as I could while squirming to break free! They finally managed to get me to the black SUV. We were sitting inside the car then I said, "Well?!? I am here, now what do you need from me?!"

"We need you to help us solve a crime." the driver said half way turning his head toward me. He had dark hair. He too, was wearing the black suit.

"A crime?! I don't know anything about this crime!! You can't just take me away from my home!! I am only 13! This is illegal! My father will sue you!! When they get home my brothers will tell them what happened!" The man, Hector, sat up from his slouched position to speak, "And another thing!" I interupted, he slouched again. "What about my brothers! You can not leave those two boys home alone! They will destroy the house!!"

"Are you done?" Hector said very annoyed!

"Yes." I said.

"Ok, good. We brought you hear to help us solve a crime. Do you know where you parents are?"

"Um, aren't they at work?" I asked.

"Well, yes and no. You see, a very important file that is classified and cannot be let out into the public has been stolen and is now in the hands of the enemy." He said.

"Well, what does that have to do with me? Or my parents?" I asked starting to get annoyed.

"You do know what your parents do, right?" said Hector.

"My parents are just bankers?" I said while glancing down at my hands.

"They haven't told you? I mean you are their oldest daughter I figured they must have told you." He said with a puzzled look on his face.

"Well, they didn't. Where are my parents?! Are they hurt?! Why am I here?!" I started to get worried.

"Your parents are safe, for now. Your parents aren't just bankers. They are head of security for a top secret government program. They are the only two people who know how to get to this top secret file. They have been captured, and are in great danger. We are afraid that they may be forced to tell were this file is hidden and how to get to it. You are your parents so called life line. If anything were to happen to them you are the one they told us to get. You can help us, Kate."

"Me? Why me?" I said while trying to take this all in.

"Your parents believe in you. So do we." He said.

"I can't help you. I'm sorry."

"You have to. Your our only hope to get your parents back."

"I guess I have no choice. I'll try my best."

"Great!" Hector said.

"Yeah, ok, what's the plan? I'm still a little confused." I said while thinking about what I just heard.

"Well, your parents have been captured and are in great danger. We need your help to find where they are. Their capturers have been taking them on a long journey. Your parents have been leaving clues to help us find them, but we don't get the clues. Since your their oldest daughter, we figured you could help us fine out where they are taking your parents. We figured that you know your parents better than all of us." said Hector.

"Well, okay. I guess that makes sense? Where's the first clue?" I asked.

"Its right here. Good luck. Its pretty tricky." I took the little crumpled up piece of paper from his hand, glanced at it, and looked back at him. He shrugged. I looked back down. It was in my father's hand writing, crooked letters, smeared writing, small and squished. It was all here.

I read it aloud, it said, "'Lost the camera and then the shoe.' So, they are being taken to a place that we lost a camera and shoe? That doesn't make sense!"

"That is what it says. See? Its pretty tricky!" He said while glancing down at the piece of paper.

"Not really!" I said, "Last summer! We took a trip to New York! They are going to New York!" I said very sure of myself.

"Um.. okay? Are you sure? That doesn't make any sense."

"I'm sure! Last summer my family took a trip to New York. We went to see the Statue of Liberty and we were on that little Island thing. Jake, my idiot brother, was balancing along the edge while holding his brand new digital camera when he fell and dropped it in the water. It surprisingly floated, but it floated to far from the edge and he couldn't reach it so he took his flip-flop and tried to get it but my other brother, Trey, came and pushed him so he dropped both the camera and shoe! Dad was furious!"

"To New York then!! See? We could have never figured that out!" He said with excitement.
We were on our way to New York. This was coming so fast! It still doesn't seem real. My parents captured? This feels like a dream! I'm just worried about my brothers, they are a handful. They say they are taken care of but I know my brothers they are never taken care of.

We were on the big plane to New York. They escorted me to my room. This place was huge!! I walked down the long hall way. There were computer screens, moniters, and cameras everywhere! This is the biggest plane I have ever seen! It is even bigger than the ones in the movies! And I'm here, not just watching it on a screen or looking at pictures in a book, I am actually here! Witnessing it with my own two eyes! This was Amazing! But still, this was no time to be excited. I am with people I don't know, I have no clue where my brothers are, my parents supposively work for the government and are in great danger and its my job to find them! This is hitting me so hard! Like a glass of ice cold water when your half asleep. The second it hits you it is every where, instantaneously! It stings and burns then the body goes numb! But, on the bright side, my room is amazing! The second you walk in you see the big, red, king size bed. The bed is in the center and on the right corner you have this little sitting area with red and black leather chairs (red is my favorite color). The second you sit in these chairs you just sink and the red leather just overwelms you! It surrounds you and your in heaven. In between the two chairs of heaven is a not-so-mini, mini fridge filled with delicious snacks and sodas! I'm not ever going to leave this room, not just because it is amazing in every way but because I'm also afraid of getting lost. Just then I heard, "We are over the drop site, please report to the main lobby quickly! That means you Kate." Drop site?! Me?! I quickly scurried to the main lobby. I found my way and as I walked around the corner I saw a team of men (probably in their 20's) they were dressed head to toe in bright lime green ump suits.

"Um.. what's going on?" I asked with a worried tone in my voice.

"Kate!" one of the men said "Hurry! You need to shoot up! We are near the drop sight!"

"What?! Drop site?! What are we doing?!" I yelled.

"We are going to Jump out of the plane? They didn't tell you?" He said while glancing at the other men.

"Um.. No! They didn't tell me!"

"Well, suit up!" He said while flashing a cheesy grin. Just then they all grabbed me and threw on a pink Jump suit along with a back pack with a parachute in it. Then the man who I was talking to hooked him self on to me and he Jumped out of the plane!! I screamed the whole way to the ground. I could tell the man was getting annoyed with me. I didn't care! Jumping out of a plane was by far the scariest thing I have ever done and it deserved screaming! Then he finally pulled the shute. It was such a relief! "Look! Kate! Your parents!!! Their safe!" He yelled.

"Yay! finally! Their safe." I said with a sigh. I felt as if a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

1. Hannah Baker, Audrey Jonas

2. Kristen

3. Hannah Baker

4. Kristen Hazel

5. 4, The ice cream
1. Annamarie


3. Mrs. Anzures, Audrey Jonas, and Hannah Head

4. Hunter is going to own Roger

5. Michael Paige

6. Ben

7. Arthur

8. 3

9. Annamarie

10. Katelyn

11. NBCA band

12. Helana

13. Hannah Head's turtle

14. Mrs. A!!

15. Gracen's pet llama

16. The Beattles

17. Red, green, blue, and pink

18. Meagan

19. 10

20. fish

Monday, May 10, 2010


Their are many special things about summer! I am absolutely in love with summer!! Everything about it is truely amazing! What really excites me is the fact that me only have 3 more weeks of school till summer comes!! I can't wait till summer time!!! This summer I might (probably will) go to France! France is one of my dreams!! I love to travel and my life dream is to travel the world!! And this summer I get a chance to get a little closer to my dream! I am also going to Niagara Falls!! Another place of my dreams. I cant wait to whitness its breath-taking, natural beauty! It truely shows God's amazing creations! This summer, I want to pack in as much fun as possible!! I will constantly be with my amazingly-great friends!! I am going to be going to the Comal River a ton! I practically grew up at that river! I simply love it! I am also going to be spending much of my summer at Schlitterbahn! I have riden every ride there! Its still a blast!! I hope to also be at the lake toobing/skiing/wake-boarding behind my boat! No wonder I love summer so much!!
What do we love about summer so much? Maybe its the fact that we don't have school! And who likes school? Not me!!!!!! It could be that feeling when you wake up in the morning (or, for me, the afternoon:) not knowing what day it is, because you don't need to! Summer is a worry-free, care-free, school-free, fun time to just relax and enjoy!! Summer is a time to play in the summer sun! Some people complain about the hot weather... not me!!! I love the hot months! If, your hot, jump in a pool and have fun!! If your cold, wrap your self in a blanket and not move or do anything fun for hours. Now, which one seems like a more fun thing to do? To me, jumping in a pool is much more fun! That proves, that summer is full of oportunities!
Summer means that the sun is awake and lively! When the sun is bright, the world is bright!! When the sun is shining and bright, I am just in a happier mood! I feel like the world is in a happier mood when the sun is out. I can never get tired or bored of summer! Because if you lived a summer like mine, then you wont have a chance to be bored!! I am always trying something new!! Fear is not an option! Summer is and will continue to be on my mind.

Monday, May 3, 2010

About Emma:)

My name is Emma! I love to have fun! And am always willing to try something new!!! My hobbies are writing, reading my bible, and playing sports and staying active. The sports I play are, basketball, volleyball, and softball. I love to write, but I absolutely hate school!!! I wish it could be summer all the time because i love summer!!! During the summer, I am never bored!! I am either at Schlitterbahn with my friends, swimming at my pool, tubing, sking, or wakeboarding behind my boat, I am at the beach with my family/friends, or I am at 6 flags riding roller coasters!!! I absolutely love a good thrill! Rollercoasters are amazing!! I don't really have a favorite movie, but I love scary movies!! They are the best!! The things i hate are being bored and country music!! I have many amazing friends! I love my friends! And i love to have fun with my friends!!!

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